Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes’ name was first submitted to HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) in 1944. The 2,000-page report accused Hughes of being involved in some way with 49 allegedly left-wing organizations.
On 26 March 1953, Hughes was called before HUAC to testify about his alleged involvement with the Communist Party.
Hughes was considered by many to be a “friendly” witness, and while he talked openly about his own political ideas (he had never joined the Communist Party, he explained, because the Party was “based on strict discipline and the acceptance of directives that I, as a writer, did not wish to accept”), but was careful not to name names.
Hughes effectively distanced himself from his previous involvement with leftist organizations, and his writing moved away from overtly political poems. He also omitted his more political poems from his Selected Poems (1959).