The problems we have with the Hollywood left

The problems we have with the Hollywood left

The problem we have with the Hollywood left is it's the notion that accepting differences is no longer good enough, you have to be complicit in them.

The problem we have with the Hollywood left it's the notion that any differing opinion is a threat to your very way of existence but never the opposite.

The problem we have with the Hollywood left is the blatant hypocrisy of claiming to care about democracy well on abashedly striving to take control of every step of the political process.

The problem we have with the Hollywood left is the notion that any idea or opinion outside of your own ideology is morally repugnant and therefore needs to be silenced.

The problem we have with the Hollywood left is the notion that your goals must be achieved using everyone resources regardless on whether they agree.

The problem we have with the Hollywood left is their supporting of rights situationally when convenient and the outright rejection of those rights when it's in it's the inconvenient for you.

The problem we have with the Hollywood left  isthat somehow you know what's best for me enough to allow the government to make that choice for me

The problem we have with the Hollywood left it's their failure to see the irony in labeling anyone different than yourself as an extremist or a fundamentalist.

            Originally written by Jason Blood. Edited for this page.